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About the artist

"A Good artist has less time than ideas."

Martin Kippenberger

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I am a self-taught artist. I began on my artistic road in the mid 1990’s. Most all of my art is one of a kind, and because of the style or materials used, most of it cannot be duplicated.


I was born and raised on a farm in Minnesota.  I moved to California in 1988.  My art techniques are inspired by my experiences working as a General Construction Contractor.  My inspirations are the materials all around me, at my jobs, my home, in nature, and some through the experiences with my clients.  First and foremost was the job, working for an art dealer, remodeling his art showroom to display the current artist's work.   I saw the wide array and creativity of the art that was showcased in his gallery and was inspired.   Over those years I develop my own ideas of art and the confidence to create my own techniques.


Because of this exposure, I looked at all material, not just for its functionality in construction but also for its hidden artist qualities.  Over 20 years ago, while working in the CA Redwoods in Marin County, I was building a studio on top of a garage. As I was texturing the sheet rock on the ceiling to match the existing house, a sweep of the texture seemed to come off of the texture knife like tiger stripes and when the sunlight hit it in just the right spot, I thought, "Wow that looks so cool. I should try this with colored paint" I can't control how the texture gets off the knife; it does what it wants to. All I can do is control the pressure and the sweep of the knife, otherwise the texturing takes on a life of its own and its own uniqueness.  This experience was my initial inspiration for my oil paintings.


Over the years I have created art with oils, wood and other materials.  It is a passion of mine, when I can find the time, and I hope you will think it is as cool as I do.


Al Schmidt

Interested in purchasing my art for your home, office or organization?  Please contact me  for pricing and showing.

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